Tuesday 11 October 2016


08102016 - When so fun, we have kakom run for celebrating Malaysia Sports Day every second week of October ๐Ÿƒ we're having about 1.7km but then i just non-stop running about 500m i think ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚ i lost my stamina to run ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚ i'm getting fat ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚ i love to eat ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚ 

Friday 7 October 2016

nonsense talk ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚

so hi there! it's Thursday, i'm free and i feel wanna share story with uolls :P so here i'm posting one of my picture today having our brunch (breakfast + lunch) during recess time. since the schedule in matriks are pack enough, i tend to eat lunch during recess at my first recess and the lunch recess i take a nap before starting evening class so i will feel energetic  sometimes after class i take half an hour to jog with my friends a.k.a my roommate ๐Ÿ˜ but it's only SOMETIMES its RARELY ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜› that's why i'm FAT ๐Ÿ˜‘ okay, in the night time i planned that to study. i've done my time table for study but then i disobey to the time table ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ pity me ; i want to get 4.0 but then i disobey to the time table
so here i share my time table to you guys ๐Ÿ˜‚
got the motivation qoutes lagi in the time table tapi disobey juga ๐Ÿ˜‚ 

Tuesday 27 September 2016

life in matriks labuan :)

my life in kml with this awesome friends๐Ÿ’•๐Ÿ’•๐Ÿ’• 
 hye all, its been so long i'm not posting about myself. I'ts been two years lost of updating this blog ๐Ÿ˜… so now, i would like to talk about my classmates a.k.a my bestfriends ๐Ÿ˜Š but then, i kind of lazy rn so just stay tune for upcoming post ๐Ÿ˜‡

Thursday 15 May 2014

hyeeeee , long time no see , no talk , no laugh anddddd go die you! hahaha. ok stresssssss dengan si brigade form 2 yang baboooooooncit! ok hahahaha. saja cari pasal. jangan takut :p poser siut. hahahahahah
kami adik beradik brigade :D

Sunday 15 December 2013

ohh , hyee. Assalamualaikum ! its been so long , i didn't post any entry in this blog. huh ! its cause my mistakes , as a human we are not a rememberable what we done before. hoho. k , dahh ckup speakingg. mengada lebih. hahahaha. well , i'm a pelupa girl so , i forgot password sma email ne blog -,- lol. naseb laa , pandai p kasi active blik ne email. haha. kalau indaaa , behabuk saja ne blog. hahah. k , cukup merepek. emm , entry for now is about my dayy in schooll in this year ; 2013.

twozeroonethree , its a year wth a medium examination ; PMR and the people who born on 1998 is the last batch to sit on it. huu , its was very and berybery nervous when i sit the exam . dahh la , duduk paling depan. tapi , best laaa , dduk dpan selalu dapat tandtangan kertas. hoho. lol. tuu jaaa , yg best. k , habis cerita pasal PMR. sekarang ceritaa pasal kehidupan sebelum PMR , emm , sebelum PMR , hidupp masi lagi mainmain , nakal , jahat dan gilagila. hahaha. well , belum rasaa insaff lgi. lol. k , rasa insaff tuu sikitsikit dtg dlam diri masa... tedengar ayat someone cikgu cakap ; ILMU yang kau dapat tuu ndakan hilang jika kau dengar cakap cikgu , jadi baik and soon. *something like that laa ayat diaa. hoho. start sana , tebayang semua apa yang ak pernah buat dekat cikgucikgu d skolahh ; mengumpatlaa , mengajuk cikgu laa , nda betapislaa mulut masa cakap dengan cikgu , menyusahkan cikgu and soon laa. start dari tuu jugaa , ak try nda mengumpat orang , buat jahat dekat orang ,fitnah orang and seangkatan denganyaaa. well , sometimes bendaa tuu ada juga terbuat sebab manusiakan  berubah perlahan-lahan. its doesnt secepat yang mungkin kita akan berubah. tapi , dalam masa ak diam-diam adalaa juga bising. hahah. maybe ada satu benda ohh maybe banyak ayat kaa perbuatan ak telah menyakitkan hati kawan ak , bukan seorang , maybe ramai. well , manusia semua sama tiada yang sempurna. ak nda tau laa kenapa dorang marah , mengumpat and so on dekat ak. ak ne jenis nda kesah apa yang ak buat. ak jenis yang em , ohh biarlaa. nanti dorg lupa jugaa tuu. entahh laa , apa ak buat dekat kamu , tiba2 kena umpatlaa , kena makimaki laa , kena cakap ituini laa. okayy , biarlaa kamu bahagia dengan mengumpat ak , makimaki ak. ak nda kesahh , yang penting sekarang ak mau MINTA MAAF DEKAT KAMU . okay , its over now. dahlaa. lupakan tuu. okay , cerita pasal hujunghujung tahun , lepas PMR , ingtkan dah habis belajarr ! tapi... TIDAKKKKKK. sambung lagi , belajar subjek form 4. huhu. but , best laa jugaa. not setiap kali belajar laa , tapi sometimes jaa. ada laa juga masa mau tidur di kelas. hoo. kbyee. lots of love , rina.

Monday 11 February 2013

Berubahlah wahai remaja sekalian :)

I love him but he doesn't appreciatte what i'm doing for him , how care about him , how give what he want and so on . Nyamindd , just pray to the Allah ; Ya Allah , kalau dia jodohku maka dekatkanlah dia padaku , jikalau dia bukan jodohku maka jauhkanlah dia dariku :D

Ingatlah kamu yang membaca blog ini bahawa , "Allah menemukan kita dengan orang yang salah dahulu baru orang betulbetul jodoh kita" .

I hope , the person that read this entry will think it . Please don't fooled by the satans . Kuatkan iman anda wahai muslimin dan muslimat sekalian . Hanya diri anda yg boleh merubah segalanya . Jika anda tidak dapat mengubahnya , mintalah pertolongan daripada Allah S.W.T . InsyaAllah anda akn diberi petunjuk yg benar . InsyaAllah :D

Wassalam :)

Sunday 30 December 2012

Bestfriendsss :')

A bestfriend is like Gumball and Darwin , there were never break up there friendship :D